
Emotional Re-Balance Session
Set your mind free with a combination of The Emotion Code® & Kinesiology. Experience communicating with your subconscious mind to identify & release any blocked, re-occurring or trapped emotions. Discover outmoded patterns & beliefs, exchanging them for one's that better serve your life purpose.

Energetic Body Cleansing Session
Experience a variety of techniques which resonate deep with my healing energy that are used in different cultures around the world, to clear, cleanse & unblock energy within your mind & around your body. Aids the exchange of beliefs into one's that better serve your life purpose.

Mix n Match Session
Why not explore & experience a mixture of methods, whether it be a quick card reading combined with an emotional re-balance. Maybe just allow the universe to guide & direct us on the day.

Inner Growth Oracle Card Reading
Oracle Cards can be a fun way to expand your view on any situation you may encounter. It can offer clarity in life directions, personal insight along with hope & motivation on your journey in life, at the same time develop your intuition.

Sacred Space Clearing - Home or Work (available local only)
Our environment both reflects & affects our state of mind. Spring clean the energy in the space you spend a lot of time in, whether that be at work or home.